Services offered by Ferracin Group srl


The competitiveness of a company consists not only of impeccable production and an excellent quality-price ratio, but also of its ability to guarantee an active and constant presence capable of supporting and assisting customers in every situation.

Ferracin Group srl is a company specialising in INJECTION moulding of plastic materials. Thanks to the experience gained over the years, it is able to offer customised solutions to customers in the most diverse industrial sectors: automotive, household, furniture, electrical, packaging, construction. The company covers an area of 4,700 square metres, 2,000 of which are covered. The machine park consists of 9 injection moulding machines from 350 to 1,400 tonnes equipped with dryers for dehumidifying materials, robots for automatic management of the moulded part outside the press, and temperature controllers to guarantee a consistent moulding cycle. Ferracin Group is able to mould parts in thermo-plastic materials weighing up to about 9 kg. This allows the company to respond to a wide variety of requirements from moulding small parts to large elements.L’azienda si sviluppa su una superficie di 4.700 mq, 2.000 dei quali coperti.

Il parco macchine è composto da 9 presse ad iniezione da 350 a 1.400 tonnellate corredate di essiccatori per la deumidificazione dei materiali, robot per la gestione in automatico del pezzo stampato fuori pressa e da termoregolatori per garantire la costanza del ciclo di stampaggio.

Ferracin Group è in grado di stampare pezzi in materiali termo plastici fino a circa 9 Kg di peso. Ciò permette all’azienda di poter rispondere alle più svariate esigenze dallo stampaggio di minuteria ad elementi di grandi dimensioni.

ferracin contract moulding

Thanks to the collaboration with proven partners, the company is able to offer its customers customised solutions during all phases of:

  • design
  • prototyping
  • choice of raw material
  • mould realisation
  • sampling
  • pre-series
  • assembly
  • production
  • shipping